Climate change and rural homelessness
The case study based at Acadia University is considering how rural populations in Kentville and Kings County, Annapolis Valley, Nova Scotia that are unhoused or precariously housed may be more affected by climate events (floods, fire) than those that have secured housing. This case study builds on an existing relationship between Acadia University and the community organization Homeless No More to address issues around homelessness, and offers an opportunity for partners to share a more extensive story of the organization’s goals and experiences, as well as assemble a developmental evaluation process for the initiative.
The project team includes:
- Academic partners: Mary Sweatman, Associate Professor, Community Development; Shasta Grant, Masters student
- Community partner: Homeless No More, an intersectoral, interdisciplinary group focused on ending rural homelessness in Nova Scotia, with members including individuals from municipal and public health realms, nonprofit staff members, and people with lived experience of housing insecurity (Note: academic representatives including Dr. Sweatman are also members of this group)