CCRC – UFV Case Study

Heat vulnerability mapping for older adults

The case study based at the University of the Fraser Valley is examining the vulnerability of senior populations to extreme heat events, and exploring strategies for improved resilience for older adults at a community level. Through GIS mapping in Abbotsford and Chilliwack, British Columbia, the research team is localizing periods of extreme heat and connecting this data to four variables related to the vulnerability of local senior populations: age, income level, degree of isolation and housing conditions.

The project team includes:

  • Academic partners: Mariano Mapili, Associate Professor, School of Land Use and Environmental Change; Stefania Pizzirani, Associate Professor, Planning, Geography, and Environmental Studies; Afia Raja, Associate Professor, Planning, Geography, and Environmental Studies; and a team of students involved in extreme heat mapping
  • Community partners: Parks, Recreation and Culture and Innovation, Strategy and Intergovernmental Relations departments of the City of Abbotsford and the City of Chilliwack; Archway Community Services; Chilliwack Community Services

The study involves assembling a greater understanding of heat effects and associated needs among local senior populations through interviews with municipal officials within Abbotsford and Chilliwack and members of the community organizations involved in the project. The project culminates in a CityStudio simulation which combines the data gathered in previous phases of the project that considers how community resilience to extreme heat events can be enhanced. 

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