Net Zero & CEL Resources
Government of Canada. (2023). Net zero emissions by 2050.
Canadian Climate Institute. (2023). Canada’s net zero future: Finding our way in the global transition.
Canada Energy Regulator. (2023). Towards net-zero.
University of Oxford. (2023). What is net zero?
World Resources Institute. (2023). What does “net-zero emissions” mean? 8 common questions, answered.
BBC News. (2022). The climate question: What does ‘net zero’ really mean?
TED YouTube Channel. What is net zero?
David Suzuki Foundation. (2016). Canada’s challenge and opportunity: Transformations for major reductions in GHG emissions.
Pembina Institute. How to get net-zero right.
Fankhauser et al. (2022). The meaning of net zero and how to get it right. Nature Climate Change, 12, 15-21.
United Nations. For a livable climate: Net-zero commitments must be backed by credible action.
Behrens, T., & Martin, T. (2020, January 15). Philanthropy will be on the front lines of climate change. Dorothy A. Johnson Centre for Philanthropy.
Bies, A.L., Lee, D.G., Lindsey, C., Stoutenborough, J.W., & Vedlitz, A. (2013). Citizens, nonprofits and climate change policy. Nonprofit Policy Forum, 4(1), 5-28.
Brannigan, P. (2022, January 27). How nonprofits can engage in sustainability. LinkedIn for Nonprofits.
Clean Air Partnership. Using nonprofits to deliver municipal climate action.
Imagine Canada. (2023, August 30). Nonprofit sector playing a crucial role in response to climate-related disasters.
Kagan, J.A. (2022). The third sector and climate change: A literature review and agenda for future research and action. Nonprofit and Voluntary Sector Quarterly, 52(4), 871-891.
Nazareth, L. (2023, July 31). Many jobs will evolve to incorporate ‘green skills’. Canada’s success depends on understanding this. The Globe and Mail.
NEO Law Group. (2022, March 6). What’s your nonprofit doing to fight climate change?
Statistics Canada. (2023). Environmental practices businesses or organizations have in place, third quarter of 2023.
Tandy, F. (2023, May 8). How nonprofits can benefit from embracing ESG practices. Blue Avocado.
University of Oxford. (2023). What are nature-based solutions?
United Nations. (2023). Biodiversity – our strongest natural defense against climate change.
International Food Policy Research Institute. (2021). The role of agriculture and food systems in achieving net zero global GHG emissions.
World Economic Forum. (2022). Food systems can lead the way to net zero, if we act now.
Costa Jr. et al. (2022). Roadmap for achieving net-zero emissions in global food systems by 2050.
Clayton et al. (2020). Net-zero, Indigenous-led resource development is possible. The Globe and Mail.
Cultural Survival. (2022). Indigenous rights as a central value in investing in Net Zero.
First Nations Major Projects Coalition. Indigenous Sustainable Investment Series: The Only Road to Net Zero Runs Through Indigenous Lands.
Net Zero Atlantic. (2023). Working with Indigenous communities to achieve Net Zero.
Reed et al. (2021). Indigenizing climate policy in Canada: A critical examination of the Pan-Canadian Framework and the ZéN RoadMap. Sustainable Cities, 3.
Community-Engaged Learning
Carleton University, Student Experience Office. Community Engaged Learning.
University of Alberta. Community Service Learning.
University of Saskatchewan, Teaching and Learning. Community Engaged Learning.
University of Toronto, Experiential Education Unit. Community Engaged Learning.
University of Victoria. Community Engagement.
Western University. Community Engaged Learning.
Business + Higher Education Roundtable. Community Service Learning.
Aujla, W., & Hamm, Z. (2018). Establishing the Roots of Community Service-Learning in Canada: Advocating for a Community First Approach. Engaged Scholar Journal: Community-Engaged Research, Teaching, and Learning, 4(1), 19-37.
Briggs, G. (2018). The Future of Community Service-Learning in Canada. Engaged Scholar Journal: Community-Engaged Research, Teaching, and learning, 4(1), 227–234.
Cameron, S. D. (2011). Getting wisdom: The transformative power of community service-learning. JW McConnell Family Foundation.
Jacoby, J. (2014). Service-learning essentials: Questions, answers and lessons learned (1st ed). Jossey-Bass.
Kricsfalusy, V., Zecevic, A., Assanand, S., Bigelow, A., & Gaudet, M. (2017). The Frontiers of Service-Learning at Canadian Universities. Engaged Scholar Journal: Community-Engaged Research, Teaching, and Learning, 2(2), 87-102.
Styvendale, N. V., McDonaldJ., & BuhlerS. (2018). Community Service-Learning in Canada: Emerging Conversations. Engaged Scholar Journal: Community-Engaged Research, Teaching, and Learning, 4(1), i-xiii.
Taylor, A., Butterwick, S., Raykov, M., Glick, S., Peikazadi, N., & Mehrabi, S. (2015). Community service-learning in Canadian higher education. Social Sciences and Humanities Research Council of Canada, Vancouver, 1-39.