Developing a Memorandum of Understanding for Community and Campus Partners
Items to consider in developing a Memorandum of Understanding (MoU) between community and campus partners:
- Project start and end
- Clear and measurable project objectives, activities and deliverables
- Roles, responsibilities, decision-making authority and associated time commitments for all involved
- Any required resources and associated budget (e.g. transportation, phone calls, printing)
- Timeline for project milestones and deliverables, community partner review of preliminary results/draft versions (e.g. ethics approval, project outputs completed)
- Schedule for check-in meetings – virtual or in-person
- Expectations for student mentoring by the community partner
- Requirement for liability insurance
- Requirements (if any) for Police Records Checks, Workers’ Compensation
- Intellectual property – who holds ownership/control over research data, outputs, publication rights, authorship
- How outputs will be shared and who will share them
See the following MoU examples:
McMaster University: https://community.mcmaster.ca/app/uploads/2019/01/memorandum-of-understanding-for-partnership-engagement.docx
University of Kentucky: https://servelearnconnect.uky.edu/sites/servelearnconnect.uky.edu/files/Common%20Memorandum%20of%20Understanding%20-%20Final%20-%20Fillable.pdf
Youth Development Executives of King County, Seattle: https://ydekc.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/03/Tip-Sheet-MOUs.pdf